October not only marks the start of fall, but is also Breast Cancer Awareness month! About one in eight U.S. women (about 12.4 percent) will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. Next to skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. But since you’re reading this, you’ll walk away educated and aware. We hope these tips on the signs and symptoms coming up will help you make the breast choice, q-ties!

Know the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Part of the education aspect is spreading awareness on how important self-checks are, as well as mammograms. Yes, it can feel totally weird, but it’s totally important! We’re about to lay down some serious knowledge on how to lower your risk of breast cancer. Listen up! Women above the age of 40 should get a mammogram each year.  Women with a family history of breast cancer may need to start screening earlier. You should also do self-checks once a month! Early detection is critical in leading to better chances that treatment will be successful. Are you ~intimately familiar~ with your breasts? Knowing how your breasts normally look and feel and comparing that to any changes you might notice is essential. (#KnowYourLemons) Some signs to watch out for are: Lumps, pain that persists over time, or change in appearance to the breast or nipple from size and shape. If you are curious about some more signs and symptoms to consider, please visit this link. So remember, you are important and it’s absolutely necessary to keep up with self-checks and mammograms.

What To Do After You Receive a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

So you have breast cancer and you’re wondering: What’s next? You’ll discuss treatment options with a doctor and, once you make a decision regarding the breast cancer removal procedure, here are a few things to consider. Breast reconstruction can either be done at the time of cancer removal, or later on. It’s never too late to consider reconstruction, girl! There are several different procedures for removal of the breast cancer just as there are a many options for reconstructing the breast and improving symmetry. Common misconceptions are that breast reconstruction can only be done at the time of the breast cancer surgery or that only patients who undergo complete removal of their breast(s) are candidates for reconstruction. Patients who have undergone a partial removal (lumpectomy) or complete removal (mastectomy) of the breast, or even a nipple sparing mastectomy are all able to opt for breast reconstruction. Contact our office to schedule a consultation for a personalized treatment plan, because every case is different.

Empowerment After Breast Cancer

When you are comfortable in your skin, you are empowered! Dr. White specializes in breast reconstruction surgery because she is committed to making patients feel whole again. For her, it’s about strength, not beauty. Cancer isn’t news anyone wants to receive, but it’s important to know your options. The sooner you catch it, the better chance you have for successful treatment. So remember these signs and symptoms and check your breasts, q-ties!